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Cooking Club Recipe of the Month – Second Harvest Bubble & Squeak

Bubble and Squeak is a traditional British weekend meal, as it can be made with either leftovers or fresh ingredients. We love this recipe because it is based on ingredients we distribute in our sites, especially potatoes and onions.

Nutrition Benefits: As a plant based meal we get the benefits of the FIBER, which is super important to maintain low blood sugar, low cholesterol levels and keep a healthy digestive system. Plus the benefits of vitamins, antioxidants and proteins coming from the vegetables.


• 2 cups cold, leftover or fresh mashed potatoes or cold, crushed boiled or roasted potatoes
• 2 tbsp oil or butter
• 2 tbsp onion, finely chopped
• 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
• 2 cups (1/4 head ) cooked cabbage (boiled or steamed)
• 2 or 3 leaves of kale, chopped
• 5 brussels sprout cooked or raw (broccoli optional)
• Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat the oil or butter in a nonstick skillet, add the onion and garlic, stir for one minute.

2. Add the mashed potato, salt and pepper and mix the ingredients. Continue mashing and pressing until brown and crispy.

3. Add the vegetables and continue mixing, mashing, and pressing to form a pancake.

4.Turn down the heat and cook for five minutes. The idea is to have enough potato to hold it all together.

5. Turn over with a spatula and cook for another five minutes until you have a nice golden or brown crust around the whole pancake.


Second Harvest Panqueque de Papa

• 2 tazas de puré de papas fresco o del dia anterior o papas hervidasu horneadas
• 2 cucharadas de mantequilla o aceite
• 2 cucharadas de cebolla finamente picada (cebolla verde opcional)
• 1 diente de ajo, finamente picado
• 2 tazas de col (repollo) hervido o al vapor
• 2 o 3 hojas de col rizada picadas
• 5 coles de Bruselas (crudas o cocidas)
• Sal y pimiento al gusto


1.Caliente el aceite o la mantequilla en una sartén antiadherente, agregue la cebolla y el ajo, revuelva por un minuto.

2.Agregue el puré de papa, sal y pimienta y mezcle los ingredientes. Continúe machacando y presionando hasta que esté dorado y crujiente.

3.Agregue las verduras de hojas y continúe mezclando, machacando y presionando para formar un panqueque.

4.Baje el fuego y cocine durante 5 minutos. La idea es tener suficiente papa para mantener todos los ingredientes juntos.

5.Dé vuelta con una espátula y cocine por otros 5 minutos hasta que tenga una buena corteza dorada o marrón alrededor del panqueque.